



Increase your revenue with up4d

Improve your revenue situation, by creating more leads, conversions, and through the smart processes of the up4d Digital Business Development.

Digital Business Development?

Social Business Development is a set of best practices for efficient revenue generation via social media.
The major differences between social business development and marketing are primarily found on the process level.
1 +
1 +
1 +
Years experiences



10 years of digital experience in developing global markets.


Benefit from a well established
LinkedIn process landscape.


up4d is an expert in using
LinkedIn and Sales Navigator.


Ensure and improve your
venture team maturity.

How Digital Business Development WORKS?

Just generating endless new leads is not an effective way to develop new customers.


#Sales Navigator

#Social Interaction


#Online Meetings

#LinkedIn Campaigns

CRM for the campaign management


Let’s optimize your LinkedIn profile, and improve your Social Media SEO.

The start will be to launch your standard activities to develop accurate leads.

Qualifying the new leads now is very important. Are we exchanging with the correct targets?

Collaboration environment onboarding and goal definition

Every day we expand your reach by sharing valuable tips and tricks with your followers through ad-free articles & posts.

Collaboration environment onboarding and goal definition


Take a seat, on your exciting sales journey to finding on a digital way customers, partners and much more.


Free of charge

A 30-minute demo exchange about what is Digital Business Development

Helpful proposals on how you should improve on your Digital Business Development activities


550 up4d credits for one month test run

Your LinkedIn Profile and Social SEO optimization

20 hand crafted invitations, per working day, through Sales Navigator

Working daily, welcomes your new connections and attracts them to a social interaction.

Developing 4 posts: design, content, posting and broadcasts for an efficient distribution in your network

Tailor Made - DBD

Time and material based, requires an up4d credit budget for a period of time

Deep LinkedIn profile and Social SEO optimization

Deepened introductions to Digital Business Development

Tailor made standard activities

Tailor made lead qualification and lead conversion activities

Tailor made post and broadcast (distribution) activities

Your desired campaign support on demand


up4d offers digital business development acceleration services for ventures, and these are the regions
where we have our highest experiences.

Let’s start now


  • Let’s know each other’s
  • Goal definition
  • Handshake


  • Onboarding call
  • Kick-off call
  • Launch the work

Work on progress

  • Weekly meetings
  • Monthly retrospectives
  • Continuous improvements

Social Media Recommendations


Nhu Duong Tan

Senior Software Engineer at
NTUC Enterprise Cooperative Limited

Thommy and I worked together for more than three years in PHP software projects we using Scrum methodology with our customers. Thommy's solid knowledge and experiences in Scrum methodology, it was helpful for us to manage projects simple and in the right direction always we achieved the customer goals. The collaboration was always a pleasure because he is a person with professional skills of leader ship, management and team support he always was able to provide a motivating team spirit. For this reasons, I would love to work with him again. Thank you Thommy for the great time. I am looking forward to next mutual future.

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Quoc Truong LE

Software Architect, Technical Team Leader, SCRUM Master, SCJP,
Honours BSc, MSc

I got the chance to start a collaboration with Thommy in 2014 when i joined BBV Vietnam. I would say for us was the respectfully collabortion allways a great pleasure and for the future, I will enjoy our wonderful friendship. Thommy is a very professional person in all business and (intercultural) collaboration aspects, my own learning profit is big, he guides me and my team always save through all project bottlenecks. I appreciated that he is sharing his knowledge on a simple and comprehensible way, personally I learned a lot from his experiences and achievements. I recommend Thommy's consultancy and assistance for sophisticated project matters to achieve speed and effectiveness. Now... explore by yourself, you will find an excellent guidance, especially for your early stage of projects or a startup. Last but not least ... whenever you will visit him on his Ho Chi Minh City office, sure you will undergo a great hospitality, potentially a city exploring with his Motorbike and enjoy Vietnamese food which he loves so much...

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Sandro Sanapo

CEO der IIC Invest &
Insurance Company AG

I know Thommy now almost 3 decades, he is distinguished in particular that he follows the set goals unswervingly and achieved them. I do know, he do not makes half measures and of all what he tackles even enthusiastic. His late high level education in business economic and project management does support all of the required software development tasks very well. He is in full bloom in his activity and does makes an important and indispensable contribution to the development of our digital world.

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Sophie Prange

Freelance Content Marketing and
Project Manager

Ich schätze Thommy sehr – zum einen für sein Wissen in Sachen Startup Strategieentwicklung, Investorensuche und Business Development, aber auch für seine Besonnenheit als Team Leader, die zielorientiere, agile Arbeitsmethodik sowie die Kommunikation auf Augenhöhe. In den mittlerweile 2 Jahren unserer Zusammenarbeit, wovon ich 5 Monate im Praktikum in Vietnam war und seitdem freiberuflich mit Thommy arbeite, durfte ich unfassbar viel von ihm lernen und dank dem entgegengebrachten Vertrauen früh zum Gelingen verschiedenster spannender Projekte beitragen.

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Schari Akef

Schimmelexpertere | Horizontal- und Vertikalabdichtung
Druckwassersanierung | Die Zukunft nachhaltig sanieren!

Ich war schon zweimal für mein Startup im Think Tank bei up4distribution in Vietnam, die Zeit war jedesmal sehr hilfreich und hat uns in der Anfangsphase unterstützt um in unserem Startup - Vorhaben schnell Klarheit, Sicherheit und Durchblick in der
Strategiefindung zu gewinnen. Im weiteren beziehen wir seit einem Jahr vor allem für unsere Business Development Aufgaben remote Dienstleistungen von up4distribution, welche uns den gewünschten Speed in der Kundengewinnung und Geschäftsausbau bringt. Alles in allem, die Zusammenarbeit mit Thommy ist professionell, wertvoll und Budget gerecht für unser Startup. Sehr gerne empfehle ich die Zusammenarbeit mit Thommy und dem ganzen up4distribution Team an Startupmanager.

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Stefan Sollberger

CEO Sollberger KMU Treuhand / Investor / Unternehmensberatung
Dual Klinik Konzept Burnout Radiologie

I recommend Thomas Kistler as an innovative entrepreneur. He's very focused and is working goal orientated in order to achieve his targets. His support to Sollberger KMU Treuhand is highly appreciated and the exchange of business ideas and visions is seen as big asset in our partnership.

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Andre Nordlohne

Mehr Zeit durch digitales Dokumentenmanagement - ohne
tiefes IT-Wissen oder
Ihr Kerngeschäft zu vernachlässigen

At the moment I'm building up my company "Nordlohne Verbund". While I was in Vietnam to connect with business partners, I got in touch with up4distribution because it was suggested to me. Beeing there I've gained knowledge regarding to pitching, business development and strategy identification. For those reasons I've taken part at the think tank offering for more than one week. I've learned a lot in this short time period. Now I feel prepared to launch my company

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Petra Baumann-Paulus

Inhaberin und Geschäftsführerin
House of Jobs AG

Ich arbeite seit Jahren in verschiedensten Projekten mit Thomas Kistler zusammen. Die Zusammenarbeit ist jederzeit bereichernd und äusserst professionell. Seine Dienstleistungen sind hervorragend, durchdacht und gewinnbringend. Herzlichen Dank Thommy! Petra Baumann, GL, House of Jobs AG

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Andrew Lawrence

Founder and Strategy Manager XR communication solutions across all businessa reas

Although we did not work together, I am very thankful for Thommies tips and tricks to finding an investor. It was of much use and has proven essential in my successful search for an investor. Thommy is a very open, generous individual who really has the customer a heart. I can only recommend that if you have a clear and good business plan, to talk with Thommy, and let him help you create your pitches.

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Denisa Furnica

Head of Website, Portals &
E-Commerce at ti&m

Thomas and I worked together for two years, time in which we setup and built a solid and successful collaboration. He gave me full support in navigating the administrative aspects and made sure all questions were answered. Thomas has provided invaluable help in building a knowledgeable team and efficient processes. He is very attentive to the business needs and he accommodates all the requests in a flexible and reliable way. I recommend Thomas for his effectiveness and his win-win approach, which ensure the success of any cooperation and I would be happy to work again with him in the future.

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Mukesh Kumar

Business Developer | Product Management | Project & Program Management | Innovation Management | Business Development & Strategies | Business Consulting | Fund Raising

Thommy has perfect & rich knowledge base for the people who want to excel in their startup business, the explanation and the points need to take care from idea generation to market launch were amazing and I learned a lot from him in such a short span of time. Thanks a lot for your guidance and valuable time. I wish you very best of luck and please keep spreading the valuable knowledge which you are holding!

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Duy Nguyen

Technical Architect

I have been working with Thommy for almost three years at bbv Software Services AG in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, he was my Deputy Managing Director. I always appreciate his knowledge and advice on the Agile project management, Thommy has helped us very well on both customer and internal negotiations with his excellent leadership management experiences through all project phases. I recommend Thommy for sophisticated software development projects, he will lead your project and team in a spirit of responsibility, success and friendship. Thanks Thommy, for the wonderful and friendly collaboration.

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Cuong (Tony) Nguyen

Digital Marketing Coordinator | Data Analyst

Thommy is one of the most valuable people I have ever worked with. His hands-on strategy to social business development, agile project management, business development, design thinking and powerful personality gained him the respect of the staff. His performance at up4distribution GmbH was golden. Working at up4distribution GmbH is most challenging, and he battled the impediments. I would like to think about everything I learned about startups, business architecture, startup acceleration I learned from him. He learns quickly and I would have no doubt in working with Thommy once again in the future.

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UP4D - Venture Application

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•   up4d Group will store your provided information on the up4d data systems

•   up4d Group AG will use your provided information for destined Investor and Venture fundraising brokerage activities       only.

•   To delete your data permanently from the up4d data systems, please send an email to:        thomas.kistler@up4distribution.ch

Thank you, for considering up4d Group AG for your investment and fundraising activities. We are already looking forward to our fruitful collaboration.

Best regards,
your up4d Group AG Venture Team

Project details*

What is your business model?

Business-to-Consumer (B2C) (Sorry, we don't support B2C Ventures)

What is your Industry focus?

What is your desired fundraising ticket?

What is your maturity level?

What investment types are you expect?

Which location your project are considering?

* Upload here your elevator deck, pitch deck or executive summary

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